- dredth
- hun·dredth;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hun|dredth — «HUHN druhdth», adjective, noun. 1. next after the 99th; last in a series of 100: »After they had counted out the hundredth penny, they asked for a dollar bill. 2. one, or being one, of 100 equal parts: »With a hundredth part gone, a dollar… … Useful english dictionary
hundredth — n. number 100 in a series; hundredth part of one hundred equal parts, 1/100hun·dredth || hÊŒndrÉ™dθ , dÉ™rdθ / hÊŒndrÉ™dθ adj. next after the ninety ninth; being one of 100 equal partshun·dredth || hÊŒndrÉ™dθ , dÉ™rdθ / hÊŒndrÉ™dθ … English contemporary dictionary
hundredths — n. number 100 in a series; hundredth part of one hundred equal parts, 1/100hun·dredth || hÊŒndrÉ™dθ , dÉ™rdθ / hÊŒndrÉ™dθ adj. next after the ninety ninth; being one of 100 equal partshun·dredth || hÊŒndrÉ™dθ , dÉ™rdθ / hÊŒndrÉ™dθ … English contemporary dictionary
hundredth — hun•dredth [[t]ˈhʌn drɪdθ, drɪtθ[/t]] adj. 1) next after the ninety ninth; being the ordinal number for 100 2) being one of 100 equal parts 3) a hundredth part, esp. of one (1/100) 4) the hundredth member of a series 5) math. Also called… … From formal English to slang
Hundredth — Hun dredth, a. 1. Coming last of a hundred successive individuals or units. [1913 Webster] 2. Forming one of a hundred equal parts into which anything is divided; the tenth of a tenth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hundredth — Hun dredth, n. One of a hundred equal parts into which one whole is, or may be, divided; the quotient of a unit divided by a hundred. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hundredth — hun|dredth [ hʌndrədθ ] number 1. ) in the place or position counted as number 100: This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the composer s death. 2. ) one of 100 equal parts of something … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hun — hun·der; hun·di; hun·ga·ry; hun·ger·ly; hun·gri·ly; hun·gri·ness; hun·gry; hun·kers; hun·nic; hun·nish; hun·ter s; hun·ting·don; hun·ting·don·shire; hun·ting·ton s; hun·yak; ro·hun; to·hun·ga; hun; hun·dred; hun·dred·fold; hun·dredth;… … English syllables
hundredth — hun·dredth … English syllables