- duced
- re·duced;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
in|duced drag — «ihn DOOST, DYOOST», the drag on an airplane caused by the flow of air about the lifting surfaces, especially the wing tips … Useful english dictionary
re|duced — «rih DOOST, DYOOST», adjective. 1. diminished in number, quantity, amount, or size: »I…reproduced some of his plates on a reduced scale (Clements R. Markham). 2. weakened; impaired: »The English leaders appear to have had no conception of the… … Useful english dictionary
self-in|duced — «SEHLF ihn DOOST, DYOOST», adjective. 1. induced by oneself or itself. 2. Electricity. produced by self induction … Useful english dictionary
self-pro|duced — «SEHLF pruh DOOST, DYOOST», adjective. produced by or from within oneself or itself … Useful english dictionary
un|pro|duced — «UHN pruh DOOST DYOOST», adjective. not yet produced, as a playwright or his work: »He had written several stage and television plays, all unproduced (Saturday Review) … Useful english dictionary
Dan'l Druce, Blacksmith — Programme from the original 1876 production Dan l Druce, Blacksmith is a play by W. S. Gilbert, styled A Three Act Drama of Puritan times . It opened at the Haymarket Theatre in London on 11 September 1876, starring Hermann Vezin, Johnston Forbes … Wikipedia
Induced current — In*duced cur rent (Elec.) A current due to variation in the magnetic field surrounding its conductor. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
introduce — transitive verb ( duced; ducing) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin introducere, from intro + ducere to lead more at tow Date: 15th century 1. to lead or bring in especially for the first time < introduce a nonnative species > 2. a. to bring… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Iran–United States relations — Political relations between Iran and the United States began in the mid to late 1800s, but had little importance or controversy until the post World War II era of the Cold War and of petroleum exports from the Persian Gulf. Since then they have… … Wikipedia
Acco — was a chief of the Senones in Gaul, who induced his countrymen to revolt against Julius Caesar in 53 BC. On the conclusion of the war, and after a conference at Durocortorum, Caesar had Acco tried and convicted on charges of treason. As… … Wikipedia