

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Ectolecithal — Ec to*lec i*thal, a. [Ecto + Gr. ? the yolk of an egg.] (Biol.) Having the food yolk, at the commencement of segmentation, in a peripheral position, and the cleavage process confined to the center of the egg; as, ectolecithal ova. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ectolecithal — adj. [Gr. ektos, outside; lekithos, yolk of an egg] (PLATYHELMINTHES: Turbellaria) Having cleavage modified by a special condition whereby yolk is stored in separate cells surrounding the oocytes as opposed to entolecithal as seen in other animal …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • ectolecithal — ec·to·lec·i·thal (ek″to lesґĭ thəl) [ecto + lecithal] having the yolk situated peripherally, as in flatworm eggs …   Medical dictionary

  • ectolecithal — |ektō+ adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary ect + lecith + al : centrolecithal …   Useful english dictionary

  • Egg cleavage — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • regular segmentation — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Segmentation — Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation cavity} (Biol …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Segmentation cavity — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Segmentation nucleus — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Segmentation of the ovum — Segmentation Seg men*ta tion, n. The act or process of dividing into segments; specifically (Biol.), a self division into segments as a result of growth; cell cleavage; cell multiplication; endogenous cell formation. [1913 Webster] {Segmentation… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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