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  • Editorship — Ed i*tor*ship, n. The office or charge of an editor; care and superintendence of a publication. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • editorship — n. under the editorship of * * * [ edɪtəʃɪp] under the editorship of …   Combinatory dictionary

  • editorship — [[t]e̱dɪtə(r)ʃɪp[/t]] editorships N VAR: oft poss N, N of n The editorship of a newspaper or magazine is the position of its editor, or his or her work as its editor. Under his editorship, the Economist has introduced regular sports coverage …   English dictionary

  • editorship — editor ► NOUN 1) a person who is in charge of a newspaper, magazine, or multi author book. 2) a person who commissions written texts for publication. 3) a person who prepares texts or recorded material for publication or broadcasting. DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • editorship — noun see editor …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • editorship — /ed i teuhr ship /, n. 1. the office or function of an editor. 2. editorial direction. [1775 85; EDITOR + SHIP] * * * …   Universalium

  • editorship — noun The position or job of being an editor …   Wiktionary

  • Editorship — Редакция; редактирование; Редакторство; должность редактора …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • editorship — ed|i|tor|ship [ˈedıtəʃıp US tər ] n [U] the position of being the editor of a newspaper or magazine, or the time during which someone is an editor …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • editorship — ed|i|tor|ship [ edətər,ʃıp ] noun uncount the job of being the EDITOR of a newspaper or magazine …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • editorship — ed·i·tor·ship || edɪtÉ™(r)ʃɪp n. office or function of editor …   English contemporary dictionary

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