- electroantennogram
- elec·tro·an·ten·no·gram
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
electroantennogram — noun A display of the electrical activity of the cells of an insect antenna, especially in response to the detection of odour … Wiktionary
electroantennogram — ə̇¦lektrōˌanˈtenəˌgram, ē¦l noun Etymology: electr + antenna + o + gram : a record of electrical activity in an antenna especially of an insect … Useful english dictionary
Electroantennography — Electroantennogram or EAG is a technique by which we measure the average output of the antenna to the brain for a given odor. It is commonly used in the electrophysiology while studying the function of olfactory pathway in insects. The technique… … Wikipedia
Grandisol — Grandisol[1][2] IUPAC n … Wikipedia