- elohimic
- el·o·him·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
elohimic — |elō|himik adjective Usage: capitalized : elohistic 2 … Useful english dictionary
Elohim — Elohimic /el oh him ik/, adj. /e loh him/; Seph. Heb. /e law heem /; Ashk. Heb. /e loh him /; in nonliturgical use by Orthodox Jews /e law keem , e loh kim /, n. God, esp. as used in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. [ < Heb elohim, pl. of… … Universalium
Raëlian beliefs and practices — concern the concepts and principles of the Raëlian Church, the religious mission of Claude Vorilhon, a former French auto racing journalist. [http://www.rael.free.fr/75/autopop.htm AutoPop, la revue des pilotes] Raël : Messie ou Menteur ? .… … Wikipedia