- encodement
- en·code·ment
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
encodement — n. process of enciphering, act of putting into code … English contemporary dictionary
encodement — mənt noun ( s) : the process or result of encoding … Useful english dictionary
encode — encodable, adj. encodement, n. encoder, n. /en kohd /, v.t., encoded, encoding. to convert (a message, information, etc.) into code. [1930 35; EN 1 + CODE] * * * … Universalium
en|code|ment — «ehn KOHD muhnt», noun. translation into code: »The ordinary way of breaking a cipher is to find an example of the use of this cipher sufficiently long so that the pattern of encodement becomes obvious to the skilled investigator (Norbert Wiener) … Useful english dictionary