- endotracheal
- en·do·tracheal
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
endotrachéal — endotrachéal, ale, aux [ɑ̃dotʀakeal, o] adj. ÉTYM. XXe; de endo , et trachéal. ❖ ♦ Anat., méd. Qui concerne l intérieur de la trachée. || Intubation endotrachéale. || Tube endotrachéal, pour pratiquer l intubation de la trachée … Encyclopédie Universelle
endotracheal — [en΄dō trā′kē əl, en΄dōtrə kē′əl] adj. within the trachea: said of devices thus placed for administering anesthetic gases, for examination, etc … English World dictionary
endotracheal — |en(ˌ)dō+ adjective Etymology: end + tracheal 1. : placed within or passed inside of the trachea an endotracheal tube 2. : applied or effected through the trachea endotracheal anesthesia endotracheal aspiration … Useful english dictionary
endotracheal — Within the trachea. * * * en·do·tra·che·al trā kē əl adj 1) placed within the trachea 2) applied or effected through the trachea <endotracheal anesthesia> <endotracheal intubation> * * * adj. within or through the trachea (windpipe).… … Medical dictionary
endotracheal — adjective Date: 1910 1. placed within the trachea < an endotracheal tube > 2. applied or effected through the trachea … New Collegiate Dictionary
endotracheal — /en doh tray kee euhl/, adj. placed or passing within the trachea: an endotracheal tube. [1905 10; ENDO + TRACHEAL] * * * … Universalium
endotracheal — en•do•tra•che•al [[t]ˌɛn doʊˈtreɪ ki əl[/t]] adj. med placed or passing within the trachea: an endotracheal tube[/ex] • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
Endotracheal tube — An endotracheal tube (also called an ET tube or ETT) is used in general anaesthesia, intensive care and emergency medicine for airway management and mechanical ventilation. The tube is inserted into a patient s trachea in order to ensure that the … Wikipedia
Endotracheal tube — A flexible plastic tube that is put in the mouth and then down into the trachea (the airway). The doctor inserts the tube under direct vision with the help of a laryngoscope. The procedure is called endotracheal intubation. The purpose is to… … Medical dictionary
endotracheal airway — an endotracheal tube that serves as an airway … Medical dictionary
endotracheal intubation — insertion of an endotracheal tube; see under tube … Medical dictionary