- entangledness
- en·tan·gled·ness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
entangledness — noun see entangled … Useful english dictionary
Bell's theorem — is a theorem that shows that the predictions of quantum mechanics (QM) are not intuitive, and touches upon fundamental philosophical issues that relate to modern physics. It is the most famous legacy of the late physicist John S. Bell. Bell s… … Wikipedia
entangle — entangleable, adj. entangledly, adv. entangledness, n. entangler, n. entanglingly, adv. /en tang geuhl/, v.t., entangled, entangling. 1. to make tangled; ensnarl; intertwine. 2. to involve in or as in a tangle; ensnare; enmesh: to be entangled by … Universalium