- enthymematic
- en·thy·me·mat·ic
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Enthymematic — En thy*me*mat ic, Enthymematical En thy*me*mat ic*al, a. [Gr. ?.] Pertaining to, or of the form of, an enthymeme. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
enthymematic — |en(t)thə(ˌ)mē|mad.ik adjective Etymology: Latin enthymemat , enthymema + English ic : relating to or constituting an enthymeme the enthymematic form of the conventional syllogism J.T.Clark … Useful english dictionary
enthymematic — adjective Of or pertaining to enthymeme … Wiktionary
Enthymematical — Enthymematic En thy*me*mat ic, Enthymematical En thy*me*mat ic*al, a. [Gr. ?.] Pertaining to, or of the form of, an enthymeme. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
enthymeme — enthymematic /en theuh mee mat ik/, adj. /en theuh meem /, n. Logic. a syllogism or other argument in which a premise or the conclusion is unexpressed. [1580 90; < L enthymema < Gk enthýmema thought, argument, equiv. to enthyme , var. s. of… … Universalium
Rhetoric — This article is about the art of rhetoric in general. For the work by Aristotle, see Rhetoric (Aristotle). Painting depicting a lecture in a knight academy, painted by Pieter Isaacsz or Reinhold Timm for Rosenborg Castle as part of a series of… … Wikipedia
ἐνθυμηματώδεις — ἐνθυμηματώδης enthymematic masc/fem acc pl ἐνθυμηματώδης enthymematic masc/fem nom/voc pl (attic epic) … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)
Co-premise — A co premise is a premise in reasoning and informal logic which is not the main supporting reason for a contention or a lemma, but is logically necessary to ensure the validity of an argument. One premise by itself, or a group of co premises can… … Wikipedia
logic — logicless, adj. /loj ik/, n. 1. the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. 2. a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic. 3. the system or principles of… … Universalium
a priori — Synonyms and related words: a fortiori, a posteriori, analytic, back, backward, categorical, conditional, deducible, deductive, derivable, dialectic, discursive, dogmatic, early, enthymematic, epagogic, ex post facto, hypothetical, inductive,… … Moby Thesaurus