

English syllables. 2014.

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  • entryman — A person who makes an entry of public lands under the homestead laws …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • entryman — mən noun (plural entrymen) 1. : one who enters upon public land with intent to secure an allotment under homestead, mining, or other laws 2. : a coal miner engaged in driving a haulageway, airway, or passageway …   Useful english dictionary

  • final receiver's receipt — An acknowledgment by the government that it has received full payment for public land, that it holds the legal title in trust for the entryman, and will in due course issue to him a patent …   Black's law dictionary

  • final receiver's receipt — An acknowledgment by the government that it has received full payment for public land, that it holds the legal title in trust for the entryman, and will in due course issue to him a patent …   Black's law dictionary

  • land patent — A conveyance to an individual of that which is the absolute property of the government and to which, but for the conveyance, the individual would have no right or title. A transfer by the government to the entryman of land covered by a homestead… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • perfection of entry — The performance by an entryman upon public lands of the conditions requisite to perfect his entry and obtain the right to a patent. 42 Am J1st Pub L § 23 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • timber culture entry — A settlement of an entryman on public lands of the United States under the provisions of an act to encourage the growth of timber on western prairies, approved March 3, 1873, and the various amendments thereto. Hartman v Warren (CA8 Minn) 76 F… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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