- ergotherapy
- er·go·therapy
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ergotherapy — er·go·ther·a·py .ər gō ther ə pē n, pl pies the treatment of disease by physical work and recreation * * * er·go·ther·a·py (ur″go therґə pe) [ergo + therapy] treatment of disease by physical effort … Medical dictionary
ergotherapy — |ərgō+ noun Etymology: erg + therapy : the treatment of disease by physical work and recreation … Useful english dictionary
TEI of Western Macedonia — The Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Western Macedonia is a state run tertiary education institution based in Kozani, Greece. The institution, which was founded in 1976, operates satellite campuses in the nearby towns of Kastoria,… … Wikipedia
Martha Schrøder — (11 September 1918 – 27 September 2009) was a Norwegian politician for the Conservative Party. She was born in Kristiania as a daughter of Major Jon M. Dugstad (1890–1980) and Ellen Marie Marcussen (1895–1986). She finished commerce school in… … Wikipedia
remedy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Something that cures or counteracts Nouns 1. remedy, help, redress, restoration; antidote, counterpoison, counterirritant, counteragent, antitoxin, antibody, prophylactic, antiseptic, corrective,… … English dictionary for students