- erythroleukosis
- eryth·ro·leukosis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
erythroleukosis — A condition resembling leukemia in which the erythropoietic tissue is affected in addition to the leukopoietic tissue. * * * eryth·ro·leu·ko·sis or chiefly Brit eryth·ro·leu·co·sis lü kō səs n, pl ko·ses or chiefly Brit co … Medical dictionary
erythroleukosis — noun see erythroleucosis … Useful english dictionary
erythroblastosis — The presence of erythroblasts in considerable number in the blood. [erythroblast + osis, condition] fetal e. SYN: e. fetalis. e. fetalis a grave hemolytic anemia that, in most instances, results from development in an Rh negative mot … Medical dictionary