- eschynite
- es·chy·nite
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Eschynite — Es chy*nite, n. [Gr. ? shame.] (Min.) A rare mineral, containing chiefly niobium, titanium, thorium, and cerium. It was so called by Berzelius on account of the inability of chemical science, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eschynite — … Useful english dictionary
Aeschynite-(Ce) — (or Aschynite, Eschinite, Eschynite) (Ce,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 is a mineral of cerium, calcium, iron, thorium, titanium, niobium, oxygen, and hydrogen. Its name comes from the Greek word for shame . Its Mohs scale rating is 5 to 6.External… … Wikipedia
Aeschynite-(Y) — (or Aeschinite (Y), Aeschynite (Yt), Blomstrandine, Priorite) (Y,Ca,Fe,Th)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 is a mineral of yttrium, calcium, iron, thorium, titanium, niobium, oxygen, and hydrogen. Its name comes from the Greek word for shame . Its Mohs scale… … Wikipedia
ZIRCON — ZIRC Mot composé à partir du persan, zircon signifie or et lumière. Ce minéral fait partie des silicates à tétraèdres, Si4, isolés (nésosilicates) qui cristallisent, dans le système quadratique, en donnant des formes bitétragonales. Les cristaux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
aeschynite — variant of eschynite … Useful english dictionary
priorite — īəˌrīt noun ( s) Etymology: German priorit, from Granville T. Prior died 1936 English mineralogist + German it ite : a titano niobate of yttrium, cerium, and other rare earth metals that is isomorphous with eschynite called also blomstr … Useful english dictionary