- esterolysis
- es·ter·ol·y·sis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
esterolysis — es·ter·ol·y·sis (es″tər olґə sis) [ester + lysis] the hydrolysis of an ester into its alcohol and acid … Medical dictionary
esterolysis — noun see esterolytic … Useful english dictionary
esterolytic — es·ter·o·lyt·ic .es tə rō lit ik adj of, relating to, carrying out, or being the splitting of an ester into its component alcohol and acid es·ter·ol·y·sis .es tər äl ə səs n, pl y·ses .sēz * * * es·tero·lyt·ic (es″tər o litґik) 1.… … Medical dictionary