- etaoin
- eta·oin
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ETAOIN SHRDLU — is the approximate order of frequency of the twelve most commonly used letters in the English language, best known as a nonsense phrase that sometimes appeared in print in the days of hot type publishing due to a custom of Linotype machine… … Wikipedia
ETAOIN SHRDLU — sind die zwölf am häufigsten genutzten Buchstaben der englischen Sprache. Dies ist leicht verschieden von der Buchstabenhäufigkeit in Wörterbucheinträgen. Die gesamte Sequenz ist ETAOIN SHRDLU CMFWYP VBGKQJ XZ Drucksatz Tastatur einer Linotype… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ETAOIN SHRDLU — (произносится [ˈɛteiˌɔɪn ˈʃrədlu] «итэоин шердлу», в русском языке известнее как «этаоин шрдлу») ряд из двенадцати букв, расположенный по убыванию частоты их использования в английском языке, бессмысленная фраза, которая иногда появлялась в … Википедия
etaoin shrdlu — 1931, journalism slang, the sequence of characters you get if you sweep your finger down the two left hand columns of Linotype keys, which is what typesetters did when they bungled a line and had to start it over. It was a signal to cut out the… … Etymology dictionary
etaoin\ shrdlu — something that is nonsense or absurd.... An error. The order of letters on the old Linotype machines, from most frequently used to least frequently used in speech and writing, not in words. etaoin shrdlu cmfgyp wbvkxj qz. Some of the SMS text… … Dictionary of american slang
etaoin\ shrdlu — something that is nonsense or absurd.... An error. The order of letters on the old Linotype machines, from most frequently used to least frequently used in speech and writing, not in words. etaoin shrdlu cmfgyp wbvkxj qz. Some of the SMS text… … Dictionary of american slang
ETAOIN SHRDLU — Un clavier Linotype. ETAOIN SHRDLU est la suite, par ordre décroissant, des 12 lettres de l alphabet dont la fréquence d utilisation est approximativement la plus élevée dans la langue anglaise (E, T, A, O, I … Wikipédia en Français
ETAOIN layout — Раскладка клавиатуры линотипа, в которой второй (буквенный) горизонтальный ряд начинается буквами ETAOIN … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
etaoin shrdlu — /et ee oyn sherrd looh, oh in, ee tee / the letters produced by running the finger down the first two vertical rows of keys at the left of the keyboard of a Linotype machine: used as a temporary marking slug or to indicate that an earlier mistake … Universalium
etaoin shrdlu — noun Nonsense, filler text, or an example of accidental typing … Wiktionary