- excurvate
- ex·cur·vate
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
excurvate — adjective see excurved … Useful english dictionary
excurved — /ek skerrvd/, adj. curving or curved outward. Also, excurvate /eks kerr vayt , ik skerr vit/. [1880 85; EX 1 + CURVE + ED3] * * * … Universalium
arched — Synonyms and related words: arciform, arclike, arcual, bandy, bent, bowed, bowlike, concave, convex, convexed, curvilinear, embowed, excurvate, excurvated, excurved, gibbose, gibbous, humpbacked, humped, humpy, hunched, hunchy, out bowed, oxbow,… … Moby Thesaurus
convex — Synonyms and related words: arched, arciform, arclike, arcual, bandy, bellied, bellylike, bowed, bowlike, bulging, concave, convexed, embowed, excurvate, excurvated, excurved, gibbose, gibbous, humpbacked, humped, humpy, hunched, hunchy, out… … Moby Thesaurus
gibbous — Synonyms and related words: arched, arciform, arclike, arcual, bandy, bowed, bowlike, bunchbacked, camelback, concave, convex, convexed, crookbacked, embowed, excurvate, excurvated, excurved, gibbose, humpbacked, humped, humpy, hunchbacked,… … Moby Thesaurus
humped — Synonyms and related words: arched, arciform, arclike, arcual, bandy, bowed, bowlike, bunchbacked, camelback, concave, convex, convexed, crookbacked, embowed, excurvate, excurvated, excurved, gibbose, gibbous, humpbacked, humpy, hunchbacked,… … Moby Thesaurus
rotund — Synonyms and related words: adipose, arched, beefy, bellied, bellylike, big bellied, bloated, blowzy, bosomy, bowed, brawny, bulging, burly, buxom, chubby, chunky, circular, consonant, convex, convexed, corpulent, crummy, deep, distended, dumpy,… … Moby Thesaurus
lenticular — adj lens shaped, lenslike. 2. biconvex, convexo convex, lentoid, bowed, ex curved, excurvate; bulging, swelling, protuberant, (usu. of the moon) Astron. gibbous … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
protuberant — adj gibbous, bulbous, bulging, bilging, bulging or bilging out; swelling, swollen, tumid, turgid, tumescent; distended, bellied, potbellied, bagging; goggled, Inf. pop eyed, Inf. bug eyed, Sl. googly eyed; projecting, protruding, protrusive,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
tumid — adj 1. swollen, enlarged, bloated, puffed up or out, puffy, Pathol. dropsical, Pathol. edematous, Pathol. edematose, Bot., Entomol. incras sate; tumescent, turgid, inflated, Obs. sufflated, distended, expanded, dilated, Pathol., Bot. hypertro… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder