- failingly
- fail·ing·ly
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
failingly — adverb : in the manner of one that is failing a failingly dim beam of light a failingly faint cry … Useful english dictionary
failingly — adverb see fail I … New Collegiate Dictionary
failingly — adv. without success … English contemporary dictionary
failing — failingly, adv. failingness, n. /fay ling/, n. 1. an act or instance of failing; failure: His failing is due to general incompetence. 2. a defect or fault; shortcoming; weakness: His lack of knowledge is a grave failing. prep. 3. in the absence… … Universalium
fail — I. verb Etymology: Middle English failen, from Anglo French faillir, from Vulgar Latin *fallire, alteration of Latin fallere to deceive, disappoint Date: 13th century intransitive verb 1. a. to lose strength ; weaken < her health was fail … New Collegiate Dictionary
List of Samurai Champloo characters — This is a list of known characters in the anime and manga series Samurai Champloo .CastMain charactersMugenName: Mugen Age: 20 Profession: Vagabond, and former pirate Weapon(s): Double edged tsurugi (often confused with a katana) with two prong… … Wikipedia
Victorids — The Victorids (Romansh: Zaccons ) was a powerful family in Rhaetia during the seventh and eighth centuries, dominating the region politically and controlling the diocese of Chur. The family is termed after the continued use of the name Victor.… … Wikipedia
Mov - Roz — is a Greek television series from ANT1. (In English Mov Roz is translated as Purple Pink) Mov Roz are the colors of the sky when the sun is setting. Mov Roz a series by Mirella Papaeconomou.A moving emotional story that delves deep in the souls… … Wikipedia
Mov — Roz is a Greek television series from ANT1. (In English Mov Roz is translated as Purple Pink) Mov Roz are the colors of the sky when the sun is setting. Mov Roz a series by Mirella Papaeconomou. A moving emotional story that delves deep in the… … Wikipedia
Try-hard — 1. one who attempts to be like someone: a Madonna try hard ; 2. one who trys, failingly, to gain social acceptance, or to be cool, etc.; 3. of the nature of a try hard; trying unsuccessfully: try hard rock star ; typical try hard stuff … Dictionary of Australian slang