- alpha-hypophamine
- al·pha-hy·poph·a·mine
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
alpha-hypophamine — al·pha hy·poph·amine also à hypophamine .al fə hī päf ə .mēn, mən n OXYTOCIN (1) à hypophamine var of ALPHA HYPOPHAMINE … Medical dictionary
alpha-hypophamine — |alfəˌ noun : oxytocin … Useful english dictionary
Oxytocin — A hormone made in the brain that plays a role in childbirth and lactation by causing muscles to contract in the uterus (womb) and the mammary glands in the breast. Animal studies have shown that oxytocin also has a role in pair bonding, mate… … Medical dictionary