- ferroporphyrin
- fer·ro·porphyrin
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
ferroporphyrin — The compound formed between a ferrous ion and a porphyrin; e.g., ferroprotoporphyrin (heme) … Medical dictionary
ferroporphyrin — “+ noun Etymology: ferro + porphyrin : a red ferrous derivative of a porphyrin in which the iron atom is held by nitrogen atoms of the porphyrin … Useful english dictionary
hemochromogen — Term originally used for combinations of ferro or ferriporphyrins with 2 mol of a nitrogenous base or protein, e.g., pyridine ferroporphyrin. SYN: hemochrome. [hemo + G. chroma, color, + gen, producing] * * * he·mo·chro·mo·gen or chiefly Brit… … Medical dictionary
ferriporphyrin — |feˌrī, |ferē+ noun Etymology: ferri + porphyrin : a red brown to black ferric derivative of a porphyrin that differs from a ferroporphyrin by the additional combination of a univalent anion (as chloride) with the iron atom … Useful english dictionary