

English syllables. 2014.

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  • filbert — fil bert, n. [Perh. fr. fill + bread, as filling the bread or husk; cf. G. bartnuss (lit., bread nut) filbert; or perh. named from a St.Philibert, whose day, Aug. 22, fell in the nutting season.] 1. (Bot.) The fruit of the {Corylus Avellana} or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Filbert — ist der Name mehrerer Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Filbert (Pennsylvania) Filbert (South Carolina) Filbert (West Virginia) Person: Alfred Filbert (1905–1990), deutscher SS Obersturmbannführer Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • filbert — (n.) hazelnut, late 14c., from Anglo Fr. philber (late 13c.), from Norman dialect noix de filbert, in reference to St. Philbert, 7c. Frankish abbot, so called because the hazel nuts ripen near his feast day, Aug. 22 (Old Style). Weekley compares… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Filbert — can mean the following:* Corylus maxima , a species of hazel nut *Filbert, West Virginia *a type of artists paintbrush with an elongated flat bristle with a rounded or circular tip *Filburt, a character of the TV show Rocko s Modern Life *Slang:… …   Wikipedia

  • filbert — ► NOUN ▪ a cultivated oval hazelnut. ORIGIN from French noix de filbert (so named because it is ripe about 20 August, the feast day of St Philibert) …   English terms dictionary

  • filbert — [fil′bərt] n. [ME filberde, philliberd, prob. via NormFr ( noix de) filbert, (nut of) Philibert, after St. Philibert, whose feast came in the nutting season] 1. the edible nut of a hazel, esp. of a cultivated European tree (Corylus avellana or C …   English World dictionary

  • filbert — /fil beuhrt/, n. 1. the thick shelled, edible nut of certain cultivated varieties of hazel, esp. of Corylus avellana, of Europe. 2. a tree or shrub bearing such nuts. [1250 1300; ME, short for filbert nut, so called because ripe by Aug. 22 (St.… …   Universalium

  • filbert — [14] Hazelnuts begin to ripen around the end of August, and so in medieval times they were named after Saint Philibert, a 7th century Frankish abbot whose feast day falls on the 22nd of that month. Thus in Anglo Norman they were *noix de… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • filbert — noun 1》 a cultivated oval hazelnut. 2》 the tree that bears filberts. [Corylus maxima and other species.] 3》 (also filbert brush) a brush with bristles forming a flattened oval head, used in oil painting. Origin ME fylberd, from Anglo Norman Fr.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • filbert — paprastasis lazdynas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Lazdyninių šeimos dekoratyvinis, maistinis, vaistinis augalas (Corylus avellana), vedantis valgomus riešutus. Iš jo lapų gaunamas eterinis aliejus. Paplitęs Europoje ir Azijoje.… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • filbert — [14] Hazelnuts begin to ripen around the end of August, and so in medieval times they were named after Saint Philibert, a 7th century Frankish abbot whose feast day falls on the 22nd of that month. Thus in Anglo Norman they were *noix de… …   Word origins

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