- fili
- fi·li
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
FILI — – Finnish Literature Exchange is an expert and export organisation, which supports the translation, printing and publishing of literature and promotes the awareness of Finnish literature abroad. Founded in 1977, FILI is part of the Finnish… … Wikipedia
fili — Element prim de compunere savantă cu semnificaţia (în formă de) fir . [cf. it., fr. fili , lat. filum]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 25.03.2005. Sursa: DN FILI elem. fir , filament . (< fr. fili , lat. filum) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007.… … Dicționar Român
Fíli — Personaje de El hobbit Creador(es) J. R. R. Tolkien Información Raza Enano … Wikipedia Español
Fíli — / Fili Nephew of Thorin II Oakenshield, who accompanied him on the Quest of Erebor, and was slain at his side in the Battle of Five Armies … J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth glossary
Fili — Mariä Schutz und Fürbitte Kirche zu Fili, am Moskwa Ufer gelegen Fili (russisch Фили; … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fili — A fili was a member of an elite class of poets in Ireland, up into the Renaissance, when the Irish class system was dismantled. Elite Scholars Eleanor Hull’s Textbook of Irish Literature says:: The file is to be regarded as in the earliest times… … Wikipedia
Filí — El texto que sigue es una traducción defectuosa o incompleta. Si quieres colaborar con Wikipedia, busca el artículo original y mejora o finaliza esta traducción. Puedes dar aviso al autor principal del artículo pegando el siguiente código en su… … Wikipedia Español
Fíli — Liste des Nains de la Terre du Milieu Voici une liste des Nains apparaissant dans l œuvre fictionnelle de J. R. R. Tolkien. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z … Wikipédia en Français
fili — ▪ ancient Gaelic poets Old Gaelic:“seer,” plural filid professional poet in ancient Ireland whose official duties were to know and preserve the tales and genealogies and to compose poems recalling the past and present glory of the ruling… … Universalium
Fili — Original name in latin Fili Name in other language Fili, Фили State code RU Continent/City Europe/Moscow longitude 55.74819 latitude 37.47968 altitude 166 Population 80000 Date 2013 04 02 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Fili — 55°45′N 37°30′E / 55.75, 37.5 Fili (en russe : Фили) est un quartier historique de Mo … Wikipédia en Français