- flict
- af·flict;af·flict·ive;in·flict;in·flict·able;in·flict·er;con·flict;af·flict·ive·ly;con·flict·ing·ly;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
af|flict´ing|ly — af|flict «uh FLIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to cause pain to; trouble very much; distress: »My grandfather is afflicted with arthritis. The pangs of conscience afflicted him. SYNONYM(S): torment, harass. 2. Archaic. to cast down. ╂[< Latin… … Useful english dictionary
af|flict´er — af|flict «uh FLIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to cause pain to; trouble very much; distress: »My grandfather is afflicted with arthritis. The pangs of conscience afflicted him. SYNONYM(S): torment, harass. 2. Archaic. to cast down. ╂[< Latin… … Useful english dictionary
af|flict — «uh FLIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to cause pain to; trouble very much; distress: »My grandfather is afflicted with arthritis. The pangs of conscience afflicted him. SYNONYM(S): torment, harass. 2. Archaic. to cast down. ╂[< Latin afflīctus,… … Useful english dictionary
con|flict´ing|ly — con|flict|ing «kuhn FLIHK tihng», adjective. that conflicts; disagreeing; clashing: »Figurative. conflicting testimony, conflicting reports. –con|flict´ing|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
con|flict|ing — «kuhn FLIHK tihng», adjective. that conflicts; disagreeing; clashing: »Figurative. conflicting testimony, conflicting reports. –con|flict´ing|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
in|flict´er — in|flict «ihn FLIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to cause to have or suffer; give (a stroke, a blow, pain, or a wound): »A knife can inflict a bad wound on a person. 2. to cause to be suffered or borne; impose (a burden, suffering, or something… … Useful english dictionary
in|flict — «ihn FLIHKT», transitive verb. 1. to cause to have or suffer; give (a stroke, a blow, pain, or a wound): »A knife can inflict a bad wound on a person. 2. to cause to be suffered or borne; impose (a burden, suffering, or something unwelcome): »to… … Useful english dictionary
con|flict — «noun. KON flihkt; verb. kuhn FLIHKT», noun, verb. –n. 1. a fight or struggle, especially a long one; battle: »The conflict between Greece and Troy lasted ten years. SYNONYM(S): strife. See syn. under fight. (Cf. ↑fight) 2. Figurative. a) a… … Useful english dictionary
in|flict|a|ble — «ihn FLIHK tuh buhl», adjective. that can be inflicted … Useful english dictionary
self-in|flict|ed — «SEHLF ihn FLIHK tihd», adjective. inflicted on oneself by oneself: »a self inflicted wound … Useful english dictionary