- floater
- float·er
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Floater — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Floater Información personal Origen Eugene, Oregón, EE.UU … Wikipedia Español
Floater — Float er, n. 1. One who floats or swims. [1913 Webster] 2. A float for indicating the height of a liquid surface. [1913 Webster] 3. (Politics) (a) A voter who shifts from party to party, esp. one whose vote is purchasable. [U. S.] (b) A person,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
floater — float·er n 1 [from the notion that the policy “floats” with the goods it insures, wherever they might be located]: a policy or supplemental attachment to a policy insuring specific items of personal property (as jewelry or art); specif: a policy… … Law dictionary
floater — dead body found in water, 1890, U.S. slang, agent noun from FLOAT (Cf. float) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
floater — [flōt′ər] n. 1. a person or thing that floats ☆ 2. a person who illegally casts a vote at each of several polling places ☆ 3. a person who changes his or her place of residence or work at frequent intervals; drifter; esp., a transient laborer 4.… … English World dictionary
Floater — Als Floater (floating rate note, FRN) bezeichnet man eine Anleihe mit variabler Verzinsung, die an einen Referenzzinssatz wie zum Beispiel alle 3/6 Monate an den Libor oder Euribor gekoppelt wird. In manchen Fällen wird zusätzlich ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Floater — For other uses, see Floater (disambiguation). Floater Classification and external resources Simulated image of floaters against a blue sky ICD 10 H … Wikipedia
Floater — Floating rate bond. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * floater float‧er [ˈfləʊtə ǁ ˈfloʊtər] noun [countable] 1. FINANCE a bond with a variable interest rate: • The issue was split into three fixed rate tranches and one floater … Financial and business terms
floater — An informal name for a security with a variable coupon rate. Particularly used to refer to floating rate CMO tranches. American Banker Glossary A bond whose interest rate varies with the interest rate of another debt instrument, e.g., a bond that … Financial and business terms
floater — 1) A partially finished and unclaimed bottle or can of beer. Whose floater is this? 2) When you and your friends have an inside joke and an outsider doesn t get the meaning then she is subjected to a floater. The meaning is from something that… … Dictionary of american slang
floater — 1) A partially finished and unclaimed bottle or can of beer. Whose floater is this? 2) When you and your friends have an inside joke and an outsider doesn t get the meaning then she is subjected to a floater. The meaning is from something that… … Dictionary of american slang