- folliculated
- fol·lic·u·lat·ed
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Folliculated — Fol*lic u*la ted, a. Having follicles. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
folliculated — adj. (Anatomy) resembling a follicle; pertaining to follicles; containing follicles … English contemporary dictionary
folliculated — adjective see folliculate … Useful english dictionary
follicular — /feuh lik yeuh leuhr/, adj. 1. pertaining to, consisting of, or resembling a follicle or follicles; provided with follicles. 2. Pathol. affecting or originating in a follicle or follicles. Also, folliculate /feuh lik yeuh lit, layt /,… … Universalium
follicle — [ fɒlɪk(ə)l] noun 1》 the sheath of cells and connective tissue which surrounds the root of a hair. 2》 short for Graafian follicle. 3》 Botany a dry fruit derived from a single carpel and opening on one side only to release its seeds. Derivatives… … English new terms dictionary
follicular — /fəˈlɪkjələ/ (say fuh likyuhluh) adjective 1. relating to, consisting of, or resembling a follicle or follicles; provided with follicles. 2. Pathology relating to a follicle. Also, folliculate, folliculated …
follicle — [fäl′i kəl] n. [ModL folliculus < L, a small bag, husk, pod, dim. of follis, bellows < IE base * bhel , to blow up, swell > BALL1, BULL1] 1. Anat. a) any small sac, cavity, or gland for excretion or secretion [a hair follicle] b) … English World dictionary
follicle — n. 1 a small sac or vesicle. 2 a small sac shaped secretory gland or cavity. 3 Bot. a single carpelled dry fruit opening on one side only to release its seeds. Derivatives: follicular adj. folliculate adj. folliculated adj. Etymology: L… … Useful english dictionary