

English syllables. 2014.

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  • forethinker — “+ə(r) noun : one that forethinks * * * forethinkˈer noun • • • Main Entry: ↑fore …   Useful english dictionary

  • Atra-Hasis — The 18th century BCE Akkadian Atra Hasis epic, named after its human hero, [Atra Hasis exceedingly wise appears on one of the Sumerian king lists as king of Shuruppak in the times before the flood. Stephanie Dalley (Dalley, ed. and trans. Myths… …   Wikipedia

  • Prometheus — /preuh mee thee euhs, thyoohs/, n. Class. Myth. a Titan, the father of Deucalion and brother of Atlas and Epimetheus, who taught humankind various arts and was sometimes said to have shaped humans out of clay and endowed them with the spark of… …   Universalium

  • Dilys Laing — Dilys Bennett Laing (b. 1906 North Wales 1960) was an American poet. She was educated in England, and Canada. She married Alexander Laing, a Dartmouth College graduate, and later professor, in 1936 and became an American citizen. They had one son …   Wikipedia

  • Prometheus — name of the Titan who stole fire from heaven and was punished for it, from Gk. Prometheus, lit. forethinker, foreseer, from pro (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + *methos, from PIE root *men “to think” (see MIND (Cf. mind) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

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