

English syllables. 2014.

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  • forinsec — fəˈrin(t)sə̇k adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin forinsecus, from Latin, from outside, from foris outside + insecus (as in extrinsecus on the outside) more at forum, extrinsic of obligations under feudal law : extraordinary in nature or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Forinsec — Term used for the service one owed to the lord from whom one s own immediate lord held his land, thus outside the local *manor. This use survived in the Dorset placename Ryme Forinseca. However, it can still be found in the anglicised Rye Foreign …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Society of Scotland in the High Middle Ages — Scottish Society in the High Middle Ages pertains to Scottish society roughly between 900 and 1286, a period roughly corresponding to the general historical era known as the High Middle Ages.tratificationHigh Medieval Scottish society was… …   Wikipedia

  • Scotland in the High Middle Ages — The history of Scotland in the High Middle Ages covers Scotland in the era between the death of Domnall II in 900 AD and the death of king Alexander III in 1286, which led indirectly to the Scottish Wars of Independence.In the tenth and eleventh… …   Wikipedia

  • Escocia en la Alta Edad Media — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Castillo de Dunnottar en el Kincardineshire ocupa una de las mejores situaciones defensivas en Gran Bretaña. El sitio estuvo en uso durante la Alta Edad Media, data del siglo XIII. La Historia de Escocia en la Alta… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Forinsecus — Title of the king s outer marshal, known also as the *earl marshal. His first duties were the dispositions of the king s army on the field before battle. (It is from this the title field marshal is derived.) In times of peace, his responsibility… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Intrinsec — Services and dues owed a lord. They are called intrinsec as they were deemed to be within the *fief and engaged no one outside it. This use survives in the Dorset placename Ryme Intrinseca. [< Lat. intrinsecus = on the inside, within] Cf.… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • forinsecus — /farinsakas/ Foreign; exterior; outside; extraordinary. @ servitium forinsecum the payment of aid, scutage, and other extraordinary military services. + servitium forinsecum /sarvish(iy)am farinzakam/ Forinsec, foreign, or extra service; a kind… …   Black's law dictionary

  • forinsecus — /farinsakas/ Foreign; exterior; outside; extraordinary. @ servitium forinsecum the payment of aid, scutage, and other extraordinary military services. + servitium forinsecum /sarvish(iy)am farinzakam/ Forinsec, foreign, or extra service; a kind… …   Black's law dictionary

  • forinsecal — forinˈsecal adjective (obsolete) 1. Foreign 2. Alien 3. Extrinsic • • • Main Entry: ↑forinsec …   Useful english dictionary

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