

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Foveolated — Fo ve*o*la ted, a. Foveolate. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • foveolated — adjective see foveolate …   Useful english dictionary

  • foveolate — /foh vee euh lit, layt /, adj. Biol. having foveolae, or very small pits. Also, foveolated. [1840 50; FOVEOL(A) + ATE1] * * * …   Universalium

  • foveolate — /fəˈviəleɪt/ (say fuh veeuhlayt), / lət/ (say luht) adjective having foveolae, or very small pits. Also, foveolated. {foveol(a) + ate1} …  

  • foveola — [fō′vē ōl΄fō vē′ə lə] n. pl. foveolae [fō vē′əlē΄, fō vē′əlī] or foveolas [ModL, dim. of fovea] a small fovea, or pit: also foveole [fō′vē ōl΄] foveolate [fə vē′əlit, fə vē′əlāt΄] adj. foveolated [fō′vē əlāt΄id] …   English World dictionary

  • trifoveolate — trifoveolate, foveolated see tri 1 …   Useful english dictionary

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