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  • fratricide — 1. (fra tri si d ) s. m. Celui qui tue son frère ou sa soeur. •   Et cesse d aspirer au nom de fratricide, CORN. Hor. II, 5. •   La puissance impériale ne put délivrer un empereur fratricide d une fin tragique, LEMAÎTRE Plaidoyer 28. •   [Rome]… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Fratricide — (from the Latin word frater , meaning: brother and cide meaning to kill) is the act of a person killing his or her brother.Related concepts are sororicide (the killing of one s sister), child murder (the killing of an unrelated child),… …   Wikipedia

  • Fratricide — Frat ri*cide, n. [L. fratricidium a brother s murder, fr. fratricida a brother s murderer; frater, fratris, brother + caedere to kill: cf. F. fratricide.] 1. The act of one who murders or kills his own brother. [1913 Webster] 2. [L. fratricida:… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fratricide — frat·ri·cide / fra trə ˌsīd/ n [Middle French, from Latin fratricida, from fratr frater brother + cida killing] 1: one that murders or kills his or her own brother or sister or an individual (as a countryman) having a relationship like that of a… …   Law dictionary

  • fratricide — mid 15c., person who kills a brother; 1560s, act of killing a brother, from L. fratricida brother slayer, from frater brother (see BROTHER (Cf. brother)) + cida killer, or cidum a killing, both from caedere to kill, to cut down (see CIDE …   Etymology dictionary

  • fratricide — ► NOUN 1) the killing of one s brother or sister. 2) the accidental killing of one s own forces in war. DERIVATIVES fratricidal adjective. ORIGIN from Latin frater brother + CIDE(Cf. ↑ cide) …   English terms dictionary

  • fratricide — [fra′trə sīd΄] n. [Fr < LL(Ec) fratricidium < L fratricida, one who kills a brother < frater, BROTHER + caedere, to kill (see CIDE)] 1. a) the act of killing one s own brother or sister b) the act of killing relatives or fellow… …   English World dictionary

  • fratricide — 1. fratricide [ fratrisid ] n. m. • fratrecide XIIe; rare av. XVIIIe; bas lat. fratricidium ♦ Meurtre d un frère, d une sœur. fratricide 2. fratricide [ fratrisid ] n. et adj. • XV e; lat. fratricida 1 ♦ N. Personne qui tue son frère ou sa sœur.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • FRATRICIDE — s. m. Celui qui tue son frère ou sa soeur. Caïn fut le premier fratricide.   Il signifie aussi, Le crime que commet celui qui tue son frère ou sa soeur. Il a commis un fratricide …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

  • fratricide — noun a) The killing of ones brother (or sister). The conversion of Russia to Christianity was effected, it would seem by a monster of cruelty and lust. That Vladimir (980 1015) was a fratricide, who maintained 3,500 concubines, has not prevented… …   Wiktionary

  • fratricide — n. to commit fratricide * * * [ frætrɪsaɪd] to commit fratricide …   Combinatory dictionary

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