- fraxetin
- frax·e·tin
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
fraxetin — ˈfraksəd.ə̇n noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary fraxin + etin : a yellow crystalline compound C10H8O5 derived from coumarin and obtained by hydrolysis of fraxin … Useful english dictionary
C16H18O10 — fraxin frax in, n. [From {Fraxinus}.] (Chem.) A colorless crystalline substance ({C16H18O10}) found in the bark of the ash ({Fraxinus}), and along with esculin in the bark of the horse chestnut. It is structurally a derivative of a coumarin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fraxin — frax in, n. [From {Fraxinus}.] (Chem.) A colorless crystalline substance ({C16H18O10}) found in the bark of the ash ({Fraxinus}), and along with esculin in the bark of the horse chestnut. It is structurally a derivative of a coumarin glucoside.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fraxoside — fraxin frax in, n. [From {Fraxinus}.] (Chem.) A colorless crystalline substance ({C16H18O10}) found in the bark of the ash ({Fraxinus}), and along with esculin in the bark of the horse chestnut. It is structurally a derivative of a coumarin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paviin — fraxin frax in, n. [From {Fraxinus}.] (Chem.) A colorless crystalline substance ({C16H18O10}) found in the bark of the ash ({Fraxinus}), and along with esculin in the bark of the horse chestnut. It is structurally a derivative of a coumarin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Glucoside — Chemical structure of decyl glucoside, a plant derived glucoside used as a surfactant. A glucoside is a glycoside that is derived from glucose. Glucosides are common in plants, but rare in animals. Glucose is produced when a glucoside is… … Wikipedia
-etin — etin, suffix Chem. Forming the names of aglycones, esp. those not chemically characterized when discovered and named, usually by replacing in in the name of the glycoside from which the aglycone is obtained; so fraxetin, phloretin, quercetin … Useful english dictionary