

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Fulbright — puede referirse a: El senador de los EE.UU. J. William Fulbright. El Programa Fulbright, un programa de becas de estudio fundado por el senador Fulbright. La Comisión Fulbright encargada de financiar el programa Fulbright. Los Premios Fulbright… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Fulbright — bezeichnet: J. William Fulbright, einen US amerikanischen Senator James F. Fulbright, einen US amerikanischen Kongressabgeordneten Fulbright Programm, ein nach dem Senator benanntes wissenschaftliches Austauschprogramm Fulbright Kommission, die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fulbright — in ref. to U.S. Sen. J. William Fulbright (1905 1995) of Arkansas, especially to the Fulbright Act of 1946, which authorized proceeds from sales of U.S. war surplus materials to be used to fund higher education overseas …   Etymology dictionary

  • Fulbright — [fool′brīt΄] adj. [after J. W. Fulbright (1905 95), U.S. senator from Arkansas] designating, of, or holding a scholarship or grant in a U.S. government program for the exchange of U.S. and foreign scholars, teachers, etc. n. a Fulbright… …   English World dictionary

  • Fulbright —   [ fʊlbraɪt], James William, amerikanischer Politiker, * Sumner (Missouri) 9. 4. 1905, ✝ Washington (D. C.) 9. 2. 1995; Jurist, Demokrat; 1942 in das Repräsentantenhaus gewählt, war 1945 74 Mitglied des Senates. Die von ihm 1943 im… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Fulbright — (izg. fȕlbrajt), James William (1905 1995) DEFINICIJA američki senator, demokrat, pokretač inicijative za osnivanje organizacije UN (Fulbrightova rezolucija) i programa međunarodne suradnje u obrazovanju …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Fulbright — n. family name; James William Fulbright (1905 1995), U.S. politician and senator (1945 1974), creator of grants that finance exchange programs of teachers and students between the USA and other countries; grant given under the terms and… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Fulbright — /ˈfʊlbraɪt/ (say foolbruyt) noun a grant awarded to US citizens for research or study abroad, or to citizens of other countries for research or study in the US. Also, Fulbright scholarship. {named after US Senator William Fulbright, 1905–95, who… …  

  • Fulbright — noun United States senator who is remembered for his creation of grants that fund exchange programs of teachers and students between the United States and other countries (1905 1995) • Syn: ↑William Fulbright, ↑James William Fulbright • Instance… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fulbright — /fool bruyt /, n. 1. (James) William, 1905 95, U.S. politician: senator 1945 74. 2. Informal. a. a grant awarded under the provisions of the Fulbright Act. b. a person who receives such a grant. * * * …   Universalium

  • Fulbright — Ful•bright [[t]ˈfʊlˌbraɪt[/t]] n. 1) big (James) William, 1905–95, U.S. senator 1945–74 2) edu inf a) a grant awarded under the provisions of the Fulbright Act b) a person who receives such a grant …   From formal English to slang

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