- fungistat
- fun·gi·stat
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Fungistat — is a chemical or biological agent that stops fungi from reproducing.See also fungistatic agents as lactoferrin … Wikipedia
fungistat — [fun′ji stat΄, fuŋ′gəstat΄] n. any substance that inhibits the growth of fungi fungistatic adj … English World dictionary
Fungistat — Ein Fungistatikum (lateinisch: fungus = Pilz) ist ein chemisches Mittel, das das Wachstum und die Vermehrung von Kleinpilzen (Mikromyzeten) hemmt. Im Gegensatz zu Fungiziden tötet es diese jedoch nicht. Siehe auch Antimykotikum Resistenz … Deutsch Wikipedia
fungistat — /fun jeuh stat , fung geuh /, n. a fungistatic substance or preparation. [FUNGI + STAT] * * * … Universalium
fungistat — noun A chemical or biological agent that stops fungi from reproducing … Wiktionary
fungistat — An agent having fungistatic action. * * * fun·gi·stat fən jə .statalso fəŋ gə n a fungistatic agent * * * fun·gi·stat (funґjĭ stat) an antifungal agent that inhibits growth of fungi … Medical dictionary
fungistat — ˈfənjəˌstat, ˈfəŋgə noun ( s) Etymology: fungi + stat : a fungistatic agent * * * /fun jeuh stat , fung geuh /, n. a fungistatic substance or preparation. [FUNGI + STAT] … Useful english dictionary
diphenyl — Colorless liquid; used as heat transfer agent, frequently as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); as fungistat for oranges (applied to inside of shipping container or wrappers); and in organic syntheses. Produces convulsions and central nervous… … Medical dictionary
Glossary of phytopathology — This is a glossary of some of the terms used in phytopathology.Phytopathology is the study of plant diseases. It is a multi disciplinary since prerequisites for disease development are the presence of a susceptible host species, a pathogen and… … Wikipedia
8-hydroxyquinoline — A fungistat and chelating agent. SYN: quinolinol. * * * 8 hy·droxy·quin·o·line āt hī .dräk sē kwin əl .ēn n a derivative of quinoline that is used esp. in the form of its sulfate (C9H7NO)2·H2SO4 as a disinfectant, topical antiseptic,… … Medical dictionary