- furcasternum
- fur·ca·sternum
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
furcasternum — n. [L. furca, fork; sternum, breast] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) 1. In apterygote insects, that area of the thoracic sternum separated from the basisternum by the sternacosta. 2. In pterygote insects, the bases of the sternal apophyses form the furca,… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
furcasternum — |fərkə+ noun (plural furcasterna or furcasternums) Etymology: New Latin, from furca + sternum 1. : a part of the insect sternum bearing the furca 2. : the posterior plate of an insect sternum … Useful english dictionary
basisternum — n. [L. basis, base; sternum, breastbone] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) That part of a thoracic sternum anterior to the sternacostal suture and/or the sternal apophyses; sternannum; antesternite; see furcasternum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
mesobasisternum — n. [Gr. mesos, middle; basis, bottom; sternon, chest] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) 1. The basisternum of the mesothorax. 2. In Diptera, maybe separated from the mesofurcasternum by a secondary line of inflection; see furcasternum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology