

English syllables. 2014.

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  • fussock — Mawdesley Glossary a fusspot, a person who makes a big fuss about trivial things …   English dialects glossary

  • fussock — ˈfu̇sək, ˈfəs noun ( s) Etymology: origin unknown dialect England 1. : donkey 2. : a pudgy or stupid person …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fossick — Fos sick, v. i. [Dial. E. fossick, fossuck, a troublesome person, fussick to potter over one s work, fussock to bustle about; of uncertain origin. Cf. {Fuss}.] 1. (Mining) To search for gold by picking at stone or earth or among roots in isolated …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fos´sick|er — fos|sick «FOS ihk», Australia. –v.i. 1. Mining. a) to search for gold by digging in crevices, washing places, abandoned workings, etc. b) to take gold from someone else s claim. 2. Figurative. to search about; rummage. –v.t. to dig; hunt.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fos|sick — «FOS ihk», Australia. –v.i. 1. Mining. a) to search for gold by digging in crevices, washing places, abandoned workings, etc. b) to take gold from someone else s claim. 2. Figurative. to search about; rummage. –v.t. to dig; hunt. ╂[apparently… …   Useful english dictionary

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