- galcha
- gal·cha
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Galcha — Galchic, adj. /gal chah/, n., pl. Galchas, (esp. collectively) Galcha. a member of an Iranian people inhabiting the Pamirs. * * * … Universalium
galcha — … Useful english dictionary
Komedes — is the classical name applied to the people, who, as the scholars believe, had followed Scythian culture. They were located around Mt Kumuda as well as within/and beyond the Mt Hemodos and were a widely spread tribe. They were called Komedes… … Wikipedia
Kambojas — The Kambojas were a Kshatriya tribe of Iron Age India, frequently mentioned in ( post Vedic ) Sanskrit and Pali literature, making their first appearance in the Mahabharata and contemporary Vedanga literature (roughly from the 7th century BCE).… … Wikipedia
Parama Kamboja — Ancient Sanskrit literature reveals that like the Madras/Uttara Madras and the Kurus/Uttara Kurus, the ancient Kambojas also had, at least two settlements. The great epic Mahabharata sufficiently attests two main divisions of the Kambojas which… … Wikipedia
Term Kamboja and its variants — Kamboja (Sanskrit: कम्बोज) was the ancient name of a country, and the Indo Iranian Kshatriya tribe, the Kambojas, settled therein. The country is listed as one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas or great nations in ancient Buddhist texts, and was… … Wikipedia
English — Synonyms and related words: Abnaki, Afghan, Afghani, Afrikaans, Ainu, Akan, Akkadian, Albanian, Aleut, Algonquin, Amharic, Andaman, Annamese, Anzanite, Apache, Arabic, Aramaic, Araucanian, Arawak, Armenian, Assamese, Austral, Avestan, Aymara,… … Moby Thesaurus
language — Synonyms and related words: Abnaki, Afghan, Afghani, Afrikaans, Afro Asiatic, Ainu, Akan, Akkadian, Albanian, Aleut, Algonquian, Algonquin, Amharic, Anatolian, Anatolic, Andaman, Annamese, Anzanite, Apache, Arabic, Aramaic, Araucanian, Arawak,… … Moby Thesaurus
galchic — adjective see galcha … Useful english dictionary