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  • Gavelkind — was a system of land tenure associated chiefly with the county of Kent, but found also in other parts of England. Its inheritance pattern bears resemblance to Salic patrimony and as such might testify in favour of a wider, probably ancient… …   Wikipedia

  • Gavelkind — Gav el*kind , n. [OE. gavelkynde, gavelkende. See {Gavel} tribute, and {Kind}, n.] (O. Eng. Law) A tenure by which land descended from the father to all his sons in equal portions, and the land of a brother, dying without issue, descended equally …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gavelkind — (engl., spr. gäwwilkaind) ist ein Lehen, das beim Tode des Inhabers unter dessen Söhne oder, wenn er keine solchen hat, unter die Brüder verteilt wird, besonders in Kent …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • gavelkind — [gav′əl kīnd΄] n. [ME gavelkynde (orig. Kentish) < gavel, tribute, tax, rent (< OE gafol < base of giefan: see GIVE) + kynde, KIND] Historical in Great Britain, a system of land tenure by which: a) the property of a man dying intestate… …   English World dictionary

  • gavelkind — A form of socage tenure which originated in Kent and of which the principal characteristics were: (1) That the tenant could dispose of his estate by feoffment at the age of fifteen. (2) That the estate did not escheat in case of attainder and… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • gavelkind — (entrée créée par le supplément) (ga vèl kinnd ) s. m. Loi qui réglait la succession chez les Celtes irlandais. •   Le système en usage parmi les Celtes irlandais et que les juristes anglais ont appelé gavelkind ressemble à celui qu on rencontre… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Gavelkind in Ireland — Under Brehon Law Gavelkind, also known as partible inheritance, [cite book | last = Connolly S.J|title =The Oxford Companion to Irish History | publisher = Oxford University Press date =1998 | page =219 | isbn =0192116959 ] was a species of… …   Wikipedia

  • gavelkind — noun Etymology: Middle English gavelkynde, from 1gavel + kinde kind Date: 14th century a tenure of land existing chiefly in Kent from Anglo Saxon times until 1925 and providing for division of an intestate s estate equally among the sons or other …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • gavelkind — /gav euhl kuynd /, n. Eng. Law. 1. (originally) a tenure of land in which the tenant was liable for a rental in money or produce rather than for labor or military service. 2. a customary system of land tenure whose chief feature was equal… …   Universalium

  • gavelkind — noun /ˈɡævəlˌkaɪnd/ a system of inheritance associated with the county of Kent in England whereby, at the death of a tenant, intestate estate is divided equally among all his sons; also, a similar system employed in Ireland …   Wiktionary

  • Gavelkind — Kentish form of land tenure for which rent was paid rather than service due, under which the land was distributed equally between sons on their father s death, rather than all going to the eldest …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

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