- geor
- geor·die;geor·gette;geor·gia;geor·gia·des·ite;geor·gi·na;geor·gian;geor·gic;geor·gi·cal;pled·geor;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
geor|die — geor|die1 «JR dee», noun. Scottish and Northern English. a guinea (coin) bearing the figure of Saint George. ╂[diminutive < Saint George] geor|die2 «JR dee», noun. Scottish and Northern English. 1. a type of safety lamp used by coal miners. 2 … Useful english dictionary
geor|gette — «jr JEHT», noun. a thin, fine silk cloth with a slightly wavy surface, used for dresses and other garments. ╂[< French (crêpe) georgette < Madame Georgette, a French modiste] … Useful english dictionary
Geor|gia pine — «JR juh», = longleaf pine. (Cf. ↑longleaf pine) … Useful english dictionary
Geor|gian|ism — «JR juh nihz uhm», noun. a movement in British poetry characterized by attention to nature and pastoral life, as in the poems of Rupert Brooke, John Drinkwater, W. W. Gibson, and Harold Monro. ╂[< Georgian (George V, in whose reign the… … Useful english dictionary
Geor|gian — «JR juhn», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of or having to do with the four Georges, kings of England from 1714 to 1830. 2. having to do with the style of architecture, art, or decoration during this period: »One of Britain s most remarkable and… … Useful english dictionary
geor|gic — «JR jihk», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of or having to do with agriculture. 2. rustic. –n. a poem on agricultural matters. ╂[< Latin georgicus < Greek geōrgikós relating to farmers < geōrgós farmer < gê earth + érgon work] … Useful english dictionary
Geor. — abbr. geogr. Georgia … Dictionary of English abbreviation
GEOR — Georgi … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Geor·gian — /ˈʤoɚʤən/ adj : of or relating to the time from 1714 to 1830 when England was ruled by four kings named George an example of Georgian architecture … Useful english dictionary
Yu Yuk Geor — (chinesisch 游玉娥; * um 1950) ist eine ehemalige taiwanische Badmintonspielerin. Karriere Yu Yuk Geor war eine der ersten taiwanischen Badmintonspielerinnen, welche auch außerhalb ihrer Heimat und insbesondere in Europa durch Siege bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia