- giate
- col·le·giate·ly;col·le·giate·ness;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
col|le|giate — «kuh LEE jiht, jee iht», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of or like a college: »a collegiate library, a collegiate institution. 2. of or having to do with college students: »collegiate life, collegiate types. 3. of or having to do with a collegiate… … Useful english dictionary
in|ter|col|le|giate — «IHN tuhr kuh LEE jiht, jee iht», adjective, noun. –adj. between colleges or universities: »intercollegiate football games. –n. intercollegiates, sports events held between colleges, especially under the auspices of one of the associations… … Useful english dictionary
in|tra|col|le|giate — «IHN truh kuh LEE jiht, jee iht», adjective. within a college … Useful english dictionary
non|col|le|giate — «NON kuh LEE jiht, jee iht», adjective. 1. British. not belonging to a college; belonging to the body of students in a university not attached to any particular college or hall. 2. (of a university) not composed of separate colleges … Useful english dictionary
col·le·giate — /kəˈliːʤət/ adj : of or relating to a college or its students collegiate athletics … Useful english dictionary
in·ter·col·le·giate — /ˌıntɚkəˈliːʤət/ adj, always used before a noun chiefly US : involving or involved in competition between colleges intercollegiate sports/athletics … Useful english dictionary
Mamady Keïta — est un musicien guinéen, percussionniste et plus particulièrement djembéfola (joueur de djembés) de renommée internationale, né en janvier 1950 à Balandugu (Guinée). Il vit actuellement à San Diego, en Californie. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2… … Wikipédia en Français
collegiate — col•le•giate [[t]kəˈli dʒɪt, dʒi ɪt[/t]] adj. 1) edu of, pertaining to, or constituted as a college 2) edu of, characteristic of, or intended for college students • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME < LL collēgiātus col•le′giate•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
Mamady Keïta — Mamady Keita For the politician of the First Republic of Guinea, see Mamadi Keïta. Mamady Keïta (surname sometimes also spelled Keita; b. Balandougou, Siguiri Prefecture, Kankan Region, Guinea, August 1950) is a master drummer from the West… … Wikipedia
Mamady Keita — Mamady Keïta Mamady Keïta est un musicien guinéen, percussionniste et plus particulièrement djembéfola (joueur de djembés) de renommé internationale, né en août 1950 à Balandugu (Guinée). Il vit actuellement à San Diego, en Californie. Mamady… … Wikipédia en Français