- giganticness
- gi·gan·tic·ness
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
giganticness — noun ( es) : the quality or state of being gigantic : extremely great size : hugeness … Useful english dictionary
gigantic — gigantically, adv. giganticness, n. /juy gan tik, ji /, adj. 1. very large; huge: a gigantic statue. 2. of, like, or befitting a giant. [1605 15; < L gigant GIANT + IC] Syn. 1. enormous, immense, prodigious, herculean, cyclopean, titanic.… … Universalium
Bunyan, Paul — Legendary giant lumberjack of the U.S. frontier. A symbol of strength and vitality, he is accompanied by a giant blue ox, Babe. He was credited with creating Puget Sound, digging the Grand Canyon, and building the Black Hills, and was known for… … Universalium
largeness — n 1. bigness, greatness, enormity, enor mousness, hugeness, grandiosity, grandness, grandeur; magnitude, size, dimension, measure, muchness; mass, bulk, proportion, caliber; sizableness, substantiality, largishness, biggishness, considerableness; … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
gigantic — /dʒaɪˈgæntɪk / (say juy gantik) adjective 1. very large; huge. 2. of, like, or befitting a giant. {Latin gigant , from gigās giant + ic} –gigantically, adverb –giganticness, noun …