

English syllables. 2014.

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  • girlie — has been used as an adjective since the 1920s to refer colloquially to entertainment and magazines that include pictures of naked or scantily dressed young women. It is spelt girlie, not girly …   Modern English usage

  • girlie — ► NOUN (also girly) (pl. girlies) informal ▪ a girl or young woman. ► ADJECTIVE 1) (usu. girly) often derogatory like or characteristic of a girl. 2) depicting nude or partially nude young women in erotic poses: girlie magazines …   English terms dictionary

  • girlie — (adj.) meant to titillate men, 1942, from GIRL (Cf. girl) …   Etymology dictionary

  • girlie — ☆ girlie or girly [gʉr′lē] Slang n. pl. girlies a girl or woman adj. designating or of magazines, shows, etc. displaying nude or nearly nude young women, esp. tastelessly or vulgarly …   English World dictionary

  • Girlie — Der Begriff Girlie entstammt einem Trend der 1990er Jahre und beschreibt eine junge, mädchenhafte Frau, die sich unkonventionell, oft körperbetont, kleidet und selbstbewusst, teilweise auch frech provozierend, auftritt.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • girlie — I UK [ˈɡɜː(r)lɪ] / US [ˈɡɜrlɪ] adjective informal 1) a girlie show or magazine shows women wearing no clothes 2) looking or behaving like a young girl She s very girlie, all frills and curls. 3) suitable for girls and women rather than boys or… …   English dictionary

  • girlie — girl|ie1 girly [ˈgə:li US ˈgə:rli] adj informal 1.) girlie magazine/calendar etc a magazine etc with pictures of women with no clothes on 2.) BrE a girl or woman who is girlie behaves in a silly way, for example by pretending to be shy or always… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • girlie — [[t]gɜ͟ː(r)li[/t]] girlies also girly 1) ADJ: ADJ n Girlie magazines or calendars show photographs of naked or almost naked women which are intended to please men. [INFORMAL] 2) ADJ (disapproval) Girlie things are suitable for girls or women… …   English dictionary

  • girlie — or girly adjective Date: 1886 1. girlish 2. (usually girlie) featuring scantily clothed women < girlie magazines > < girlie show > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • girlie — girl|ie [ gɜrli ] adjective INFORMAL 1. ) a girlie show or magazine shows women wearing no clothes 2. ) looking or behaving like a young girl: She s very girlie, all frills and curls. 3. ) suitable for girls and women rather than boys or men:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • girlie — /ˈgɜli/ (say gerlee) Colloquial –noun 1. a girl. –adjective 2. illustrating or featuring nude or nearly nude women: a girlie magazine. 3. considered to be suitable for or befitting a girl: a girlie throw in cricket. 4. Also, girly girly.… …  

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