

English syllables. 2014.

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  • amirate — /euh mear it, ayt/, n. emirate. [AMIR + ATE3] * * * …   Universalium

  • amirate — noun see emirate * * * /euh mear it, ayt/, n. emirate. [AMIR + ATE3] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Kaysites — The Kaysite dynasty was a Muslim Arab dynasty that ruled an amirate centered in Manzikert from c. 860 until 964. Their state was the most powerful Arab amirate in Armenia after the collapse of the ostikan ate of Arminiya in the late 9th… …   Wikipedia

  • Rukn al-Daula — Hasan (d. September 976) was the first Buyid amir of northern and central Iran (c. 935 976). He was the son of Buya.truggle for powerIn around 928, Hasan s brother Ali joined the services of Makan, who was the Samanid governor of Ray. Ali then… …   Wikipedia

  • Mu'izz al-Daula — Ahmad (died April 8, 967) was the first of the Buwayhid emirs of Iraq, ruling from 945 until his death. He was the son of Buya. During the Buwayhid conquest of Fars, Ahmad distinguished himself in battle. In 935 or 936, Ahmad s oldest brother Ali …   Wikipedia

  • Laith — Al Laith (d. 928) was amir of the Saffarid amirate from 909 until 910. He was the son of Ali ibn al Laith. In 890 al Laith and his brother al Mu addal helped their father Ali escape from imprisonment at the hands of the latter s uncle, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mohammed I of Persia — Muhammad ibn Ali was amir of the Saffarid amirate from 910 until 911. Early in 910 Muhammad’s brother, the Saffarid amir Al Laith b. Ali, led an army west towards Fars in an effort to wrest it from its ruler, the slave commander Sebük eri. Since… …   Wikipedia

  • Ahmad I bin Mohammed — Abu Ja far Ahmad b. Muhammad (June 21, 906 March 31, 963) was the amir of Sistan from 923 until his death. He is responsible for restoring Saffarid rule over Sistan, and was a great patron of the arts. AncestorsAbu Ja’far Ahmad’s father was named …   Wikipedia

  • Khalaf I — Abu Ahmad Khalaf (November 937 March 1009) was the Saffarid amir of Sistan from 963 until 1002. Although he was renowned in the eastern Islamic world as a scholar, his reign was characterized by violence and instability, and Saffarid rule over… …   Wikipedia

  • almirante —     El nombre del cargo que desempeña en la armada el equivalente al de teniente general de tierra es uno de esos cientos de ejemplos de cooperación (no siempre consciente ni voluntaria) entre dos o más culturas en pro de una tercera. Estamos… …   Diccionario del origen de las palabras

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