

English syllables. 2014.

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  • gnawingly — adverb In a manner that chafes or worries. Somehow seeing that small streak of blood made the way she felt inside seem less out of control, less desperate, less awkwardly, gnawingly painful …   Wiktionary

  • gnawingly — gnaw ► VERB 1) bite at or nibble persistently. 2) cause persistent anxiety or pain. DERIVATIVES gnawingly adverb. ORIGIN Old English, ultimately imitative …   English terms dictionary

  • gnawingly — adverb : in the manner of something that produces gnawing a gnawingly persistent sensation in the stomach …   Useful english dictionary

  • gnawingly — adv. while eating away at; corrosively …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gnawing — gnawingly, adv. /naw ing/, n. 1. the act of a person or thing that gnaws. 2. Usually, gnawings. persistent, dull pains; pangs: the gnawings of hunger. [1300 50; ME; see GNAW, ING1] * * * …   Universalium

  • government — governmental /guv euhrn men tl, euhr men /, adj. governmentally, adv. /guv euhrn meuhnt, euhr meuhnt/, n. 1. the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and… …   Universalium

  • gnaw — [nɔ:] verb 1》 bite at or nibble persistently. 2》 [often as adjective gnawing] cause persistent anxiety or distress. Derivatives gnawingly adverb Origin OE gnagen, of Gmc origin; ult. imitative …   English new terms dictionary

  • gnawing — /ˈnɔ ɪŋ/ (say naw ing), /ˈnɔrɪŋ/ (say nawring) noun 1. the act of someone or something that gnaws. 2. a persistent pain suggesting gnawing: the gnawings of hunger. –adjective 3. persistent and debilitating: *The elation of personal triumph gave… …  

  • gnaw — ► VERB 1) bite at or nibble persistently. 2) cause persistent anxiety or pain. DERIVATIVES gnawingly adverb. ORIGIN Old English, ultimately imitative …   English terms dictionary

  • gnaw — v. (past part. gnawed or gnawn) 1 a tr. (usu. foll. by away, off, in two, etc.) bite persistently; wear away by biting. b intr. (often foll. by at, into) bite, nibble. 2 a intr. (often foll. by at, into) (of a destructive agent, pain, fear, etc.) …   Useful english dictionary

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