

English syllables. 2014.

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  • god-fearer — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌfirə(r) noun Usage: capitalized G : a devoutly religious person …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dhimmi — This article is about dhimmi in the context of Islamic law. For the neologism, see dhimmitude. This article is …   Wikipedia

  • ИОВА КНИГА — [евр. ; греч. ᾿Ιώβ; лат. Iob], каноническая ветхозаветная книга, названная по имени праведника, о к ром она повествует. (Об этимологии имени Иов см. в ст. Иов) В каноне Праотец Иов. Икона иконостаса Троицкого собора Ипатиевского мон ря. 1652 г.… …   Православная энциклопедия

  • ENGLISH LITERATURE — Biblical and Hebraic Influences The Bible has generally been found to be congenial to the English spirit. Indeed, the earliest English poetry consists of the seventh century metrical paraphrases of Genesis and Exodus attributed to Caedmon (died c …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Jewish Christians — (sometimes called also Hebrew Christians or Christian Jews ) is a term which can have two meanings, a historical one and a contemporary one. Both meanings are discussed below. Jewish origin of Christianity The term Early Jewish Christians is… …   Wikipedia

  • Dan Jacobson — Born 7 March 1929(1929 03 07) Johannesburg, South Africa Occupation Novelist Nationality South African Dan Jacobson (born 7 March 1929 in Johannesburg, South Africa) is a novelist …   Wikipedia

  • Dan Jacobson — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dan Jacobson (7 de marzo de 1929, Johannesburgo, Sudáfrica) es un novelista, escritor de cuentos, crítico y ensayista. Ha vivido en el Reino Unido gran parte de su vida, y durante muchos años trabajó como profesor en …   Wikipedia Español

  • Jacob, François — (b. 1920)    French biologist and Nobel laureate, 1965. After a distinguished war record in the Free French Forces, Jacob worked at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. In 1965 he shared in the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology for work on… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Jacobson —   [ dʒeɪkəbsn], Dan, südafrikanischer Schriftsteller, * Johannesburg 7. 3. 1929; lebt seit Mitte der 50er Jahre in London, 1975 79 Dozent, 1988 94 Professor am University College; die frühen Werke behandeln aus autobiographischer Sicht psychische …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Caesarea — Built on the coast by Herod the Great in honour of Caesar Augustus; it became the official residence of Roman prefects. Its inhabitants were both Jews and Gentiles, and the Christian way was brought there by Philip (Acts 8:40; 21:8). Peter became …   Dictionary of the Bible

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