- gombeen
- gom·been
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
gombeen — 1. noun /ɡɒmˈbiːn/ a) Usury. It was said by some that he had been a moneylender back in Ireland; a ‘gombeen’ in their slang: a hated figure. b) A moneylender during the Famine. 2. adjective /ɡɒmˈbiːn/ Stupid. They were talking gombeen politics … Wiktionary
gombeen — [gɒm bi:n] noun [as modifier] Irish involved in the practice of usury: a gombeen man. Origin C19: from Ir. gaimbín, perh. from the same Celtic source as med. L. cambire to change … English new terms dictionary
gombeen — n. Ir. usury. Phrases and idioms: gombeen man a moneylender. Etymology: Ir. gaimbiacuten perh. f. the same OCelt. source as med.L cambire CHANGE … Useful english dictionary
gombeen (man) — or gombeen [gäm bēn′] n. in Ireland, a) a shopkeeper who engages in usury on the side b) an avaricious and opportunistic businessman, entrepreneur, etc. * * * … Universalium
gombeen (man) — or gombeen [gäm bēn′] n. in Ireland, a) a shopkeeper who engages in usury on the side b) an avaricious and opportunistic businessman, entrepreneur, etc … English World dictionary
gombeen (man) — or gombeen [gäm bēn′] n. in Ireland, a) a shopkeeper who engages in usury on the side b) an avaricious and opportunistic businessman, entrepreneur, etc … English World dictionary
Gombeen man — A Gombeen Man is a pejorative Hiberno English term used in Ireland for a shady, small time wheeler dealer or businessman who is always looking to make a quick profit, often at someone else s expense or through the acceptance of bribes. Its origin … Wikipedia
gombeen-man — ˌman noun (plural gombeen men) Irish : usurer * * * /gom been man /, n., pl. gombeen men. Irish Eng. a usurer or moneylender. [1880 85] * * * gomˈbeen man noun 1. A grasping usurer … Useful english dictionary
gombeen-man — /gom been man /, n., pl. gombeen men. Irish Eng. a usurer or moneylender. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
gombeen — /gom been /, n. Irish Eng. usury. [1860 65; < Ir gaimbín interest, esp. exorbitant interest, lit., bit, small piece, dim. of gamba lump, hunk] * * * … Universalium
gombeen — Everyday English Slang in Ireland n idiot … English dialects glossary