

English syllables. 2014.

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  • Goutily — Gout i*ly, adv. In a gouty manner. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • goutily — ˈgau̇d.]əlē, au̇t], ]əli, ]ə̇l adverb : in a gouty manner …   Useful english dictionary

  • gouty — goutily, adv. goutiness, n. /gow tee/, adj., goutier, goutiest. 1. pertaining to or of the nature of gout. 2. causing gout. 3. diseased with or subject to gout. 4. swollen as if from gout. [1375 1425; late ME; see GOUT, Y1] * * * …   Universalium

  • gouty — /ˈgaʊti/ (say gowtee) adjective (goutier, goutiest) 1. relating to or having the nature of gout. 2. causing gout. 3. diseased with or subject to gout. 4. swollen as if from gout. –goutily, adverb –goutiness, noun …  

  • gouty — [gout′ē] adj. goutier, goutiest 1. having, or tending to have, gout 2. of or like gout 3. resulting from or causing gout 4. swollen with gout goutily adv. goutiness n …   English World dictionary

  • gout — n. 1 a disease with inflammation of the smaller joints, esp. the toe, as a result of excess uric acid salts in the blood. 2 archaic a a drop, esp. of blood. b a splash or spot. Derivatives: gouty adj. goutily adv. goutiness n. Etymology: ME f. OF …   Useful english dictionary

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