- grang
- grang·er;
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
grang´er|iz|er — grang|er|ize «GRAYN juh ryz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. 1. to illustrate (a book) with pictures or diagrams from other books. 2. to cut pictures from (other books) for this purpose. ╂[< Rev. James Granger, 1723 1776, who published in 1769 … Useful english dictionary
Grang|er — «GRAYN juhr», noun. 1. a person who is in charge of a grange; farm bailiff. 2. = farmer. (Cf. ↑farmer) Grang|er «GRAYN juhr», noun. U.S. a member of the Grange … Useful english dictionary
grang|er — «GRAYN juhr», noun. 1. a person who is in charge of a grange; farm bailiff. 2. = farmer. (Cf. ↑farmer) Grang|er «GRAYN juhr», noun. U.S. a member of the Grange … Useful english dictionary
grang´er|i|za´tion — grang|er|ize «GRAYN juh ryz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. 1. to illustrate (a book) with pictures or diagrams from other books. 2. to cut pictures from (other books) for this purpose. ╂[< Rev. James Granger, 1723 1776, who published in 1769 … Useful english dictionary
grang|er|ize — «GRAYN juh ryz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. 1. to illustrate (a book) with pictures or diagrams from other books. 2. to cut pictures from (other books) for this purpose. ╂[< Rev. James Granger, 1723 1776, who published in 1769 a… … Useful english dictionary
grang|er|ism — «GRAYN juh rihz uhm», noun. the principles of the association of Grangers in the United States. grang|er|ism «GRAYN juh rihz uhm», noun. the practice of grangerizing books … Useful english dictionary
Grang|er|ism — «GRAYN juh rihz uhm», noun. the principles of the association of Grangers in the United States. grang|er|ism «GRAYN juh rihz uhm», noun. the practice of grangerizing books … Useful english dictionary
grang|er|ite — «GRAYN juh ryt», noun. a person who illustrates a book with pictures, engravings, etc., from other books … Useful english dictionary
gräng — s ( en) (el. grain) kornighet hos t.ex. tyg el. papper … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
La|grang|i|an — «luh GRAN jee uhn, GRAHN », adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736 1813), a French mathematician and astronomer. –n. = Lagrangian function. (Cf. ↑Lagrangian function) … Useful english dictionary