- gypsydom
- gyp·sy·dom
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
gypsydom — … Useful english dictionary
Gypsy — gypsydom, n. gypsyesque, gypsyish, gypsylike, gypseian, adj. gypsyhood, n. gypsyism, n. /jip see/, n., pl. Gypsies, adj. n. 1. a member of a nomadic, Caucasoid people of generally swarthy complexion, who migrated originally from India, settling… … Universalium
Gyp|sy|hood — «JIHP see hud», noun. = Gypsydom. (Cf. ↑Gypsydom) … Useful english dictionary
Porajmos — The Porajmos (also Porrajmos), literally Devouring , is a term considered to be coined by the Romani people to describe attempts by the regime in Nazi Germany to exterminate most of the Romani peoples of Europe as part of the Holocaust. The… … Wikipedia
Gypsy — n. (also Gipsy) (pl. ies) 1 a member of a nomadic people of Europe and N. America, of Hindu origin with dark skin and hair, and speaking a language related to Hindi. 2 (gypsy) a person resembling or living like a Gypsy. Phrases and idioms: gypsy… … Useful english dictionary
gypsy — n. (also Gipsy) (pl. ies) 1 a member of a nomadic people of Europe and N. America, of Hindu origin with dark skin and hair, and speaking a language related to Hindi. 2 (gypsy) a person resembling or living like a Gypsy. Phrases and idioms: gypsy… … Useful english dictionary
gipsydom — noun see gypsydom … Useful english dictionary
Gip|sy|dom — «JIHP see duhm», noun. Especially British. Gypsydom … Useful english dictionary