- gypsyish
- gyp·sy·ish
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
gypsyish — gypsy (also gipsy) ► NOUN (pl. gypsies) ▪ a member of a travelling people with dark skin and hair, speaking the Romany language. DERIVATIVES gypsyish adjective. ORIGIN originally gipcyan, short for EGYPTIAN(Cf. ↑Egyptian) (because gypsies were… … English terms dictionary
gypsyish — … Useful english dictionary
Trumpet Concerto (Arutunian) — Alexander Arutunian’s Trumpet Concerto in A flat major (1950), also known as the Arutunian Trumpet Concerto, is the Armenian composer’s sixth major composition, a virtuoso showpiece composed in 1949 1950. It was written for the trumpet player… … Wikipedia
Gypsy — gypsydom, n. gypsyesque, gypsyish, gypsylike, gypseian, adj. gypsyhood, n. gypsyism, n. /jip see/, n., pl. Gypsies, adj. n. 1. a member of a nomadic, Caucasoid people of generally swarthy complexion, who migrated originally from India, settling… … Universalium
discursive — Synonyms and related words: O shaped, a fortiori, a posteriori, a priori, aberrant, aberrative, aimless, ambagious, analytic, backhanded, bright, by the way, categorical, circuitous, circular, circumforaneous, conceptive, conceptual, conditional … Moby Thesaurus
drifting — Synonyms and related words: ascending, axial, back, back flowing, backward, circumforaneous, descending, discursive, divagatory, down trending, downward, errant, flitting, floating, flowing, fluent, flying, footloose, footloose and fancy free,… … Moby Thesaurus
errant — Synonyms and related words: aberrant, aberrative, abroad, adrift, all abroad, all off, all wrong, amiss, askew, astray, at fault, awry, beside the mark, circuitous, circumforaneous, corrupt, deceptive, defective, delusive, departing, desultory,… … Moby Thesaurus
flitting — Synonyms and related words: adrift, afloat, airborne, alternating, amorphous, brittle, capricious, changeable, changeful, circumforaneous, corruptible, deciduous, desultory, deviable, discursive, divagatory, dizzy, drifting, dying, eccentric,… … Moby Thesaurus
floating — Synonyms and related words: Australian crawl, Hare system, PR, absentee voting, adrift, afloat, aquaplaning, aquatics, awash, backstroke, ballot box stuffing, balneation, bathe, bathing, breaststroke, buoyant, butterfly, card voting,… … Moby Thesaurus
footloose and fancy-free — Synonyms and related words: afoot and lighthearted, at large, at liberty, circumforaneous, clear, detached, discursive, disengaged, divagatory, drifting, easygoing, emancipated, errant, flitting, floating, footloose, free, free and easy, free as… … Moby Thesaurus