- hertzian
- hertz·ian
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
hertzian — HERTZIÁN, Ă, hertzieni, e, adj. Referitor la undele electromagnetice radio. ♢ Undă (sau rază) hertziană = undă electromagnetică prin care se fac transmisiile radiofonice. Cablu hertzian = sistem de transmisie a mesajelor prin unde hertziene. [pr … Dicționar Român
Hertzian — may refer to: *Hertzian dipole *Hertzian cone *Hertzian contact stress … Wikipedia
Hertzian — Hertz i*an, a. Of or pert. to the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] {Hertzian telegraphy}, telegraphy by means of the Hertzian waves; wireless telegraphy. {H. waves}, electric waves; so called because Hertz was the first to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hertzian — adjective Of or pertaining to , for example Hertzian contact stress, Hertzian wave … Wiktionary
Hertzian — adjective of or relating to the physicist Heinrich Hertz or his work Hertzian discoveries • Pertains to noun: ↑Hertz • Derivationally related forms: ↑Hertz … Useful english dictionary
Hertzian waves — plural noun Electromagnetic waves used in communicating information through space • • • Main Entry: ↑hertz * * * hertzian waves or Hertzian waves, electromagnetic radiation, such as the now familiar waves used in communicating by radio. Hertzian… … Useful english dictionary
Hertzian telegraphy — Hertzian Hertz i*an, a. Of or pert. to the German physicist Heinrich Hertz. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] {Hertzian telegraphy}, telegraphy by means of the Hertzian waves; wireless telegraphy. {H. waves}, electric waves; so called because Hertz was the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hertzian waves — [hert′sē ən, hʉrt′sē ən] n. 〚after HERTZ Heinrich Rudolf, who discovered them〛 [sometimes h w ] radio waves or other electromagnetic radiation resulting from the oscillations of electricity in a conductor * * * … Universalium
Hertzian waves — [hert′sē ən, hʉrt′sē ən] n. [after HERTZ Heinrich Rudolf, who discovered them] [sometimes h w ] radio waves or other electromagnetic radiation resulting from the oscillations of electricity in a conductor … English World dictionary
Hertzian contact stress — In mechanical engineering and tribology, Hertzian contact stress, is a description of the stress within mating parts. The term is named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz whose name is also found in the SI unit Hertz. In general, this is usually… … Wikipedia
Hertzian oscillator — Herco virpiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Hertz vibrator; Hertzian oscillator; Hertzian vibrator vok. Hertzscher Dipol, m; Hertzscher Oszillator, m rus. вибратор Герца, m; осциллятор Герца, m pranc. doublet élémentaire de Hertz … Fizikos terminų žodynas