- heterococcales
- het·ero·coc·ca·les
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
heterococcales — ˈhed.ə(ˌ)rōˌkäˈkā(ˌ)lēz noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Heterococcus, genus of algae (from heter + coccus) + ales : an order of yellow green algae including all members of the class Xanthophyceae having the immobile… … Useful english dictionary
heterocapsales — ˌhed.ə(ˌ)rōˌkapˈsā(ˌ)lēz noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin : an order of yellowish to brownish green algae (class Xanthophyceae) that form amorphous or arborescent palmelloid colonies containing an indefinite number of cells… … Useful english dictionary